Please read if you are considering joining!

We'd like to welcome our Guests and hope that you find our site useful and informative. Guests are not allowed to post in any forum but this Guest section, and there are sections that are for Members Only. So as a Guest you are missing out on some of the best features this club and forum have to offer! You're missing out on some Great Friends you Almost met!
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Mike Clay
Council, Administrator
Posts: 13249
Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:53 am
Location: Oregon Gresham
Cardinal Owners: 2016 3850RL Estate
Skype ID: Mike-Clay
Location: Oregon Gresham

Please read if you are considering joining!

Post by Mike Clay »

Thank you for your interest in this forum and club. We consider ourselves family here and enjoy meeting our family members whenever possible. We also like to have fun and enjoy getting to know each other thru this message board.

In the registration process, there is a box where we ask for you to put what MODEL Cardinal RV you own. "Fifth Wheel" "tt" " - " none" are example of what is NOT accepted. If you are still looking to buy or in the process of buying, please put what model you are purchasing or considering.

This information is part of our screening process and your membership will not be activated until we have that info. We work very hard to keep this club and forum family friendly and to keep out people that just want to advertise their smut. We appreciate your cooperation in this request, and your activation depends on it.

You will only be able to read certain forums as a guest.

Thank You
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